Sunday, December 13, 2009

News from the Front

Well, my home is being repaired, I am getting a modification on my mortgage so that I can now afford the payments and I am confident that this particular phase of hell is over in my life. I'm moving along nicely laying the groundwork for my online jewelry store to open after I'm back in the house. I even have materials left over to build a studio in the back yard. I found I'm going to need that because of the chemicals and soldering that are part of smithing, an additional course I'm taking along with the main jewelry design and creation courses I'll be taking in the fall. So everything has changed for the better.

Here is exactly how it all came about: I changed my attitude and outlook from one of defeatist, gloom and doom, I'm nothing can stop me, it's all good, I deserve to be happy, everything is going to be not only great, but downright wonderful!

Three years of constant BS just wore me down, every light at the end of the tunnel was a train. I just couldn't take any more, so I started searching on the net for something, ANYTHING that could help. I kept finding the Law of Attraction. I could not, however, find the bulk of information for free. I didn't have any money so I couldn't buy any books, movies, programs, etc. So I squeezed every tiny scrap I could from every site I could find until I put together something that could work for me. I swear, it all turned around within a couple of months!!! I'm not even kidding. And every move forward has just increased my certainty that all will be well, at least regarding my ability to make a living and live in my house again. On a personal level, my next huge step is regaining my health, being able to drive again, getting off disability.

While I remain focused on Katrina related issues until the restoration here is complete (and over 4 years later, it is FAR from complete) I now have some mental space to really start paying more attention to pressing issues that affect not only my country but the entire world. So this blog is returning to what it's initial call attention to as many of those issues as I can...from being hijacked to focus more on what's been kicking my ass since August 29, 2005.

Expect to see more about caged animal farming, NAIS, H1N1 flu pandemic hoax, microchipping, Codex Alimentarius, NWO, WHO, Big Pharma, Bilderberg Group, the Fed, Eco-slaughter, etc. All of these individual conspiracy theory topics lose that political sci-fi aura once you see the big picture. It's panoramic, it's global and it isn't pretty. I'm so glad my personal space is secured, allowing me to move outside of survival mode and begin devoting much more time to these issues that will affect generations to come even more than our world today. Like minded people will say we ARE the generations to come, so if you don't believe we only live once, then your future lives are at stake!

Posts will probably be spotty for awhile as my home repairs are in full swing, but in a few months I'll be in my home and settling down into a routine where I can post regularly. Thanks to my wonderful subscribers for hanging with me til then!

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The Government Can!

The TRUTH About How Katrina Was Handled


Esoteric Agenda ~ Important information for those who took the red pill.

Ok, if you're a mainstream media news outlet addict who believes everything you see on TV and believes that your government (no matter what one it is) is there to serve and protect you, then you may close this out and return to the comfort of your ignorance. I would hate to offer up anything for your mental consumption that might put a jitter in your matrix feed. Go quickly, the other Sheeples are waiting for you so you can all laugh and point together. Enjoy your final moments of blissful commaradarie before all Hell breaks loose.

However, if you have an open mind and voraciously devour everything you can find about what is really going on in your world and has been for decades upon decades, then rev up your red pill and take a ride with me now.
Esoteric Agenda - kewego
This is the official final release of Ben Stewart's groundbreaking 2008 documentary exposing the plans of the parasitical Elite.

This video gives you a big picture of the agenda of the parasitical Elite, and solutions to ending their global control madness.

"The Daily life we perceive with our 5 senses is not reality.

Quantum physics has shown that space and time are illusions of perception therefore our bodies cannot truly be a reality if they occupy this space...

Our true Consciousness does not exist in our brains or in our bodies."

Milk ~ It Does A Body Bad

Got Milk? Well, you might want to get rid of it. Here's another piece of the Big Panoramic Picture Puzzle for you. A combination of corporate greed, factory farming and a government for sale to the highest bidder as well as an agenda that calls for drastically reducing the world population has perpetrated yet another Big Lie. This one is about what's in your glass of milk. This video ties in beautifully with the one in the earlier post below I titled: Horror on your dinner plate. I was all happy that my Lactaid doesn't use milk from cows given growth hormones. Being lactose intolerant, I didn't drink milk for years and now I'm damn glad about that. I just started again recently. I think I'll stop. Again. I was really diggin those Frosted Mini Wheats, too. Wonder what's in THAT that will kill me?

Horror on your dinner plate. Well, hopefully that will change after you see this.

"Rise Up" from "The Tea Party Movie" - Jeremy Hoop

Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic

Description on the hosting site, | Support the film makers, please purchase an offical copy with DVD extras and bonus material. From the Tea Party Movement to State Legislators, the American people are drawing a line in the sand. On what side of it will you stand? Has the government our Founders created been forgotten by Washington DC? Is a Patriot Uprising ready to capture the spirit of 1776? "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" gives the viewer a look into the movements, mindset, and legislation that will catapult the "Great Restoration" into households across America. What is the choke-collar the Federal Government uses to reign in the States? Are the States sovereign or subjects of Washington DC? What did the Founders foresee and how did they seek to protect us from a tyrannical government? "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" exposes the commerce clause, defines Sovereignty, the proper role of government, a Constitutional Militia and much more. "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" offers sound solutions to take back rights stolen by our out-of-control, despotic federal government. "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" will educate, inspire, and activate a nation desperately seeking direction. What side of the line will you stand?